Stocking Stuffers for Your Pet
With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about gifts for your loved ones. Sometimes it can be difficult coming up with gift ideas for people, but what about your pets? They’re family, too! They play with you, snuggle, make you laugh, and keep you happy. We can’t forget about them at Christmas time!
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Escape Summertime Boredom with These 5 Activities for Kids and Dogs
Summertime and the living is easy! Well, it actually might not be so easy once boredom has set in for your kids. If you’re starting to hear those two words all parents dread to hear – “I’m bored” – then keep reading. Summer is a great time for kids to give their dogs some much-deserved attention. Here are some fun activities for kids and dogs to do together this summer.
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National Pet Week 2019: Ideas for Celebrating with Your Pet
If you’re like most pet owners, showing appreciation for the furry companions who enrich our lives and make us happier and healthier is a daily event. That being said, life gets pretty hectic with work, family, and other obligations.
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