Myths and Facts About the Luck of a Cat
There's a lot of talk about the luck of cats, especially black cats. Some people believe they're lucky, while others think they bring bad luck to humans. There are also plenty of myths about cats’ own luckiness, like whether they always land on their feet when they fall.
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How to Trim Your Cat's Nails
Regular nail trims are important for your cat's health and well-being, but many people are intimidated by the thought of trimming their cat's nails at home. If you're one of those people, don't worry; iIt's not as difficult as it seems! With the right tools and a solid understanding of the process, it's actually quite easy. With a little patience and practice, you'll be trimming your cat's nails like a pro in no time.
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Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Cat Urine
Cats are glorious creatures. Motion optimized, aesthetically pleasing, low maintenance, warm, fuzzy, furry, cute, and they purr. I mean, come on, could you ask for a more perfect pet?
In this cat lover's opinion, cats have only one major design flaw: kitties were designed with a poorly functioning elimination system. Specifically, their kidneys are weak, they don't drink enough water, and the cat urinary tract suffers frequently from disease.
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How to Pill a Cat at Home
Cats are notoriously stubborn when it comes to taking medication. Trying to get a feisty feline to swallow a pill is no easy task, but with a little bit of practice and patience, you can get the job done without traumatizing your cat or risking injury to you or your cat. As veterinarians, we've seen the look of concern that often crosses cat owners' faces at the mention of administering medication. We understand your concerns and are here to make things a bit easier. In this blog post, we're sharing tips on how to pill a cat using the table method or the floor method.
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How to Help Your Introverted Cat When You Have Guests Over
Much like people, cats have individual personalities. Some love spending time with people, and others would prefer hanging out in their favorite hiding spot when you have guests over. Sharing your home with a shy or introverted cat can be tricky if you are someone with an active social life. You don't want to stress your favorite feline out, but you also don't want to avoid hosting gatherings in your home.
The good news?
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10 Commonly Asked Questions About Cats and Their Answers
Whether you're a new cat owner or have shared your home with feline family members for decades, you've undoubtedly had some questions. Even if you don't have cats, there could be things about them that you've always been curious about. Whatever the case may be, we're here to answer all of your most pressing questions. As veterinarians, we answer questions about these adorable (and often perplexing!) creatures every day. In this post, we'll be sharing our answers to several of the most commonly asked questions about cats. Let's dive right in!
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National Pet Wellness Month: How to Extend Your Pet's Life With Optimal Care
October may be mostly about ghosts and goblins, but it also marks another significant and distinctly less eerie event, National Pet Wellness Month. Keeping up with your dog or cat’s wellness care needs is an essential step in maintaining their health and helping them enjoy several happy years by your side.
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Cat Wellness 101: What Vaccinations Does My Feline Need?
Vaccinating your cat is the best way to protect them from a wide range of contagious — and potentially deadly — diseases. From Rabies to Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, your feline friend could fall victim to many illnesses if you fail to keep them up to date on essential vaccines. Even if you keep your cat strictly indoors, it’s vital to keep their vaccinations updated. It only takes seconds for a cat to slip out a door or window, and if mice or other pests find their way into your home, you never know what types of diseases they could be carrying.
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