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Hold Your Holly! 7 Crucial Considerations Before Putting a Pup Or Kitty Under the Tree

There’s nothing that warms the heart more than seeing the videos that pop up after the holidays of a pajama-clad kiddo popping the top off a box to reveal a puppy or a kitty. Chances are, that child has been bugging his or her parents to get a pet for eons so the payoff is usually a lot of happy tears. And while this can tale can have a happy ending, as veterinarians, we see the alternatives far too often.

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Does My Pet Need Year-Round Flea and Tick Prevention? Yes, and Here's Why!

The sun is starting to set earlier and earlier and the temperature is getting cooler. Some parts of the U.S. have begun to see blankets of snow that seemingly showed up overnight. Our minds have turned to thoughts of fireplaces and mugs of hot cocoa. We see our sleeping pets curled up and content on their bed when, all a sudden, their head pops up and they start to chew on their hip. “It can’t be a flea!” you think, noting the time of year and the chill in the air.

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10 Reasons Senior Doggos Are the Best

Ever wonder why there are so many older dogs found in shelters? Most people assume they were left there due to the dog misbehaving, are aggressive, or untrainable. Contrary to popular belief, most of the time, these notions are false.

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The Secret to Ridding Your Dog of Itchy and Irritated Skin

As humans, we know just how frustrating it is to have itchy skin so, when you see your dog struggling with it, your heart naturally goes out to them...for the first few weeks. By week three, you’ve had it and, if you sleep with your pet, you’ve lost more Zzzzzs than you care to think about. Now both you and your pet are at your wit’s end, which is no place to be. The best thing to do is to get to the root cause of the itch, so we’ve taken some time in this blog post to explore the many reasons your dog could be getting itchy skin, toes, or hot spots.

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4 Handy and Helpful Tips For Pilling Your Pet

So your pet needs medication. Your normally obedient and, possibly in some cases, less-than-savvy pet suddenly becomes an astute genius who will not be fooled. Even those pets who are like living vacuum cleaners often reach the point where they think, "Fool me once..." And let's face it—this is beyond frustrating, especially in the cases when the pill you're trying to give your pet is basically going to save their lives. That's why we've taken the time to share some tips that we've had up our sleeves for years so that your pooch or kitty is no longer a pill about getting their pills!

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