Is Your Pet Itchy? An Overview of Pet Allergies
Your pets can suffer from allergies just like you can! Allergies can be frustrating to pet owners: persistent scratching, chewing, or licking can lead to skin infections, open sores, and discomfort for your pet. It's important to learn what is causing your pet’s discomfort by getting them the help they need from your veterinarian.
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"Can I Take My Dog in an Uber?": Pets & Rideshares or Public Transportation
With many people now choosing to use public transportation and rideshares rather than buying a car, the question of how to bring a pet along for the ride is becoming much more frequently asked.
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Is This Much Shedding Normal? When Hair Loss in Pets is Problematic
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An Integrative Approach to Cardiopulmonary Disease
In Eastern medicine, the heart is the organ that controls mental vitality; it is the seat of consciousness. It also governs the blood. Increasing anxiety is often observed with heart disease. In fact, the changes in consciousness can actually be severe enough to cause seizures.
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Creepy Crawlies: Cats and Ear Mites
This Halloween, you may think spiders and worms are the creepiest pests around, but cats have a whole other idea of what creeps them out: microscopic parasites that crawl into their ears and make themselves at home. This might sound like something out of a horror film, but it’s a common occurrence for cats (and dogs) – ear mites!
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The Ecology of Litter Boxes
When many of us decide to get a cat, we’ll spend hours and hours online researching nutrition, choosing the perfect collar, and pleading for recommendations from family members and even strangers on social media groups about c
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Why Cats Knock Things Over
Whether you find it amusing or frustrating - or a little of both - the fact is if you own a cat, they are going to knock objects off any elevated surface, such as your desk or a table. Are they simply trying to be annoying, or is there a reason for this behavior? Dog people will use this as an example of how cats are not intelligent and a reason not to like them.
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Less Adoptable Pets
In 2009, Petfinder designated the third week of September as “Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week.” This annual celebration was launched to help recognize and promote those pets that are considered to have less adoptable traits, such as senior pets, FIV cats, and special needs animals. This year’s celebration week is September 16-22, 2019.
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