This collection of Dog Spay or Neuter articles has been curated for you by Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at (954) 722-2100.
The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes
Not everyone has an energetic personality, a lifestyle that allows for daily trips to the dog park, or a love of hiking with a dog running the trails alongside them. Some people want the companionship of a pet, but perhaps health issues, a tiring job, or an introverted personality mean the best kind of pet for them is calm, low maintenance, and enjoys cuddles more than dog parks. This doesn't mean a dog isn't the right pet for them, but they need to choose the breed carefully.
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What to Know About Dog Spaying and Neutering and Its Many Benefits
One positive side effect of the pandemic is that many shelters across the U.S. were cleared, as families decided that more time at home meant that they could finally pull the trigger on the pet that they’d long wanted to make part of their brood.
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Large-Breed Puppies
Is your fur baby destined to turn into a fur giant? If you own a large-breed puppy, they may be a lap dog now, but before you know it, they’ll be way too big for cuddles on the couch. Of course, your colossal canine will still be just as lovable, but you’ll need to know a few things about taking care of a large-breed puppy.
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Spaying or Neutering Your Pet Benefits Them AND You!
If you grew up in the '80s or ’90s, then you know the highlight of staying home from school sick was watching “The Price is Right.” For over 30 years, Bob Barker signed off with, “Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.” For those who have grown up in the 2000s, Drew Carey has continued the mantra.
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After Adoption: Why Your Shelter Pet Still Needs to See a Veterinarian
Congratulations on the adoption of your new pet! We are thrilled that you decided to adopt a pet from the shelter and save a life!
When a dog or cat is adopted from the shelter, he/she is most likely current on vaccines, has been spayed or neutered and has been microchipped. The shelters work hard to make adopting a pet as easy as possible. However, it is still very important to follow up with your veterinarian soon after adoption.
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Top 12 Reasons to Spay or Neuter
And remember folks, always spay or neuter your pets!
-Bob Barker
When you consider spaying or neutering your dog or cat, your top priority is preventing unwanted litters. Controlling the pet population is extremely important; however, did you know that there are other benefits when you spay or neuter? We sniffed out the top reasons why you should spay or neuter your dog or cat!
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