This collection of Dog Activities and Fun articles has been curated for you by Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at (954) 722-2100.
The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes
Not everyone has an energetic personality, a lifestyle that allows for daily trips to the dog park, or a love of hiking with a dog running the trails alongside them. Some people want the companionship of a pet, but perhaps health issues, a tiring job, or an introverted personality mean the best kind of pet for them is calm, low maintenance, and enjoys cuddles more than dog parks. This doesn't mean a dog isn't the right pet for them, but they need to choose the breed carefully.
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The Best Dog Breeds for Runners
If you're a runner, you know how important it is to have a good running buddy. But what are the best dog breeds for runners? Whether during a morning jog or evening sprint, having a furry friend to push you further is one of the best things about running with a dog. With the right motivation and positive reinforcement, even couch potatoes can turn into trailblazing speedsters in no time!
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How to Keep Your Dog Safe and Sitting Pretty On Your Next Road Trip
Since our dogs are much-loved members of our families, it’s only natural that we want them along for the fun when it’s time for a family vacation. However, that often means a long road trip to the beach, campsite, mountains, or other destination. As veterinarians, we understand your goal is to make the trip as comfortable and safe as possible for your dog, and we want nothing more than to help this effort with some expert insight. Following are our recommendations for ensuring a smooth road trip, so your dog enjoys both the vacation and the journey.
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10 Smart Reasons for Keeping Your Dog on a Leash
Does your dog practically do cartwheels when you pick up the leash? If so, you may have taught them well to be excited about fitness! January is National Walk Your Pet Month, and while there have been movements to have “leash-free” communities, there are good reasons to keep your pet leashed in public places, no matter how well-behaved your dog is.
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Rewarding Your Dog Without Treats
When it comes to positive reinforcement and rewarding your dog for good behavior or learning a new command, treats are obviously the first thing that pet owners tend to rely on. They are convenient and effective, especially when it comes to training your pet.
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Summertime Fun: Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe and Happy at Outdoor Events
Summer has arrived, and that means time for fun outdoor events! From July 4th parades and fireworks to street fairs, farmer’s markets, and art and music festivals, there is a plethora of activities for the whole family to attend. For pet owners, that can include bringing their dog along. While these events can be a great way to spend time with your pet, there are some issues to keep in mind to make sure your dog has a good time and a safe experience.
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Escape Summertime Boredom with These 5 Activities for Kids and Dogs
Summertime and the living is easy! Well, it actually might not be so easy once boredom has set in for your kids. If you’re starting to hear those two words all parents dread to hear – “I’m bored” – then keep reading. Summer is a great time for kids to give their dogs some much-deserved attention. Here are some fun activities for kids and dogs to do together this summer.
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National Pet Week 2019: Ideas for Celebrating with Your Pet
If you’re like most pet owners, showing appreciation for the furry companions who enrich our lives and make us happier and healthier is a daily event. That being said, life gets pretty hectic with work, family, and other obligations.
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