This collection of Cat Behavioral Counseling articles has been curated for you by Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at (954) 722-2100.
Spaying or Neutering Your Pet Benefits Them AND You!
If you grew up in the '80s or ’90s, then you know the highlight of staying home from school sick was watching “The Price is Right.” For over 30 years, Bob Barker signed off with, “Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.” For those who have grown up in the 2000s, Drew Carey has continued the mantra.
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Why Cats Knock Things Over
Whether you find it amusing or frustrating - or a little of both - the fact is if you own a cat, they are going to knock objects off any elevated surface, such as your desk or a table. Are they simply trying to be annoying, or is there a reason for this behavior? Dog people will use this as an example of how cats are not intelligent and a reason not to like them.
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Will My Cat Hate Me If I Take It to the Vet?
If the thought of wrangling your cat to get them to their vet appointment makes you cringe- you’re not alone. Who doesn’t enjoy peeling their cat out from under the bed, somehow coercing them into the carrier, and then driving them to the vet office? All while they yowl obscenities at you. This can be a highly stressful event, not only for your cat, but for you as well. Oh yeah, and the experience at the cat’s clinic hasn’t even begun yet.
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