Kitten Wellness Plans
Please note that Pet Wellness Plans discounts can NOT be accumulated and used together with other clinic promotions and discounts. Please reach our clinic staff at (954) 884-8949 to learn more about our Pet Wellness Plans.
Senior Cat Wellness Plans
Please note that Pet Wellness Plans discounts can NOT be accumulated and used together with other clinic promotions and discounts. Please reach our clinic staff at (954) 884-8949 to learn more about our Pet Wellness Plans.
Adult Feline Plans
Please note that Pet Wellness Plans discounts can NOT be accumulated and used together with other clinic promotions and discounts. Please reach our clinic staff at (954) 884-8949 to learn more about our Pet Wellness Plans.
Environmental Enrichment for Indoor Cats
While cats confined to an indoor environment generally live longer and are at less risk for contracting infectious diseases or injuries due to trauma, they are at greater risk for a variety of behavioral problems. These problems include urinating and defecating outside the litter box, anxiety, eating disorders, attention seeking, aggression, self-injury and compulsive disorders like excessive grooming and scratching.
Feline Diagnostic Imaging Ultrasound, MRI, X-Rays, Radiology
What Is Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging For Felines?
Cat Emergency? We Are Here For You
If your cat has suffered a sudden trauma or is experiencing any life threatening symptoms, please call us immediately at: (954) 722-2100
In an emergency, time is of the essence, please bring your cat to our emergency hospital as soon as possible. The address is:
6065 West Commercial Boulevard
Tamarac, FL 33319
Cat Vaccinations - Everything You Should Know
The importance of vaccinations to the overall health and longevity of your cat cannot be understated. Cat vaccines are medically and scientifically proven to combat the incubation and transmission of crippling and fatal feline diseases. Our veterinary staff is dedicated to educating people about the importance of cat vaccinations, including what cat vaccines are necessary, and when they should be scheduled.
What To Know About Your Cat's Pre and Post-Op Surgical Care
Understanding Why A Cat Surgery Has Been Recommended
At Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac, our primary concern is for the health and well being of your cat. Unfortunately, there may arise a circumstance when a surgical procedure is in the best interest of your feline friend, and in these times you will need to make that decision. We understand what that feels like, and our veterinarians and staff are here for you too.