"Can I Take My Dog in an Uber?": Pets & Rideshares or Public Transportation
With many people now choosing to use public transportation and rideshares rather than buying a car, the question of how to bring a pet along for the ride is becoming much more frequently asked.
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On the Road: Car Travel Tips for Dogs
Nothing says summer like a road trip. But is your dog ready? Despite the carefree image of a happy dog with his head handing out the window of the back seat, there’s a lot to consider.
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Preparing Your Pet For Moving
Moving can be a stressful experience for you and your family, so don’t forget it can also be a stressful time for your pet. Pets can get used to a routine and what’s familiar. They also sense when their family is stressed and can pick up on your feelings. Therefore, it's vital to stay in tune with your dog or cat's demeanor and behavior during your packing, moving, and unpacking process.
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