The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes
Not everyone has an energetic personality, a lifestyle that allows for daily trips to the dog park, or a love of hiking with a dog running the trails alongside them. Some people want the companionship of a pet, but perhaps health issues, a tiring job, or an introverted personality mean the best kind of pet for them is calm, low maintenance, and enjoys cuddles more than dog parks. This doesn't mean a dog isn't the right pet for them, but they need to choose the breed carefully.
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The Best Dog Breeds for Runners
If you're a runner, you know how important it is to have a good running buddy. But what are the best dog breeds for runners? Whether during a morning jog or evening sprint, having a furry friend to push you further is one of the best things about running with a dog. With the right motivation and positive reinforcement, even couch potatoes can turn into trailblazing speedsters in no time!
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Dog Exercise Tips: How to Hike With Your Hound
A favorite activity among outdoor enthusiasts is hiking, and for those who own a dog, it’s an even greater adventure when your four-legged sidekick comes along for the fun. Regardless of the season – whether flowers are blooming or leaves are falling – hiking is great exercise and a wonderful bonding opportunity for you and your pup. However, as with all adventures involving a pet, safety is essential to ensure it’s a positive experience.
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Cold Weather Exercise Tips to Keep Your Dog From Gaining the Frosty 15
We’ve all experienced cabin fever and the stir-craziness that comes with the winter months, and, unfortunately, this happens to our pets too. And while it can be tempting for the whole family to melt into the couch for months of Netflix-watching, this inactivity can lead to obesity in your dogs. In turn, obesity can lead to other harmful conditions such as diabetes and/or arthritis.
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