This collection of Dog Vaccination articles has been curated for you by Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at (954) 722-2100.
The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes
Not everyone has an energetic personality, a lifestyle that allows for daily trips to the dog park, or a love of hiking with a dog running the trails alongside them. Some people want the companionship of a pet, but perhaps health issues, a tiring job, or an introverted personality mean the best kind of pet for them is calm, low maintenance, and enjoys cuddles more than dog parks. This doesn't mean a dog isn't the right pet for them, but they need to choose the breed carefully.
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Imported Animals and How to Minimize the Rabies Risks
This article was written in response to the June 10th, 2021 report of the 34 pets (33 dogs and one cat) entering the United States through O’Hare Airport from Azerbaijan, as one of the dogs in the group tested positive for rabies in Pennsylvania. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has launched a multi-state public health investigation after at least 12 people were exposed to the rabid dog imported from overseas. The location of the other imported pets has not been released.
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Puppy Vaccination FAQs and The Answers You Need to Know
From their super soft fur and sleep barking to their smelly breath and, yes, even their razor-sharp biting teeth, puppies are just the cutest. But if you've recently adopted one, you hopefully realize that there is more to dog wellness than a steady flow of kisses from your family members (although those are good, too). One of the key parts of getting your pup on a path to wellness is dog vaccinations and, if you are new to the puppy game, you might have questions.
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Pets and the Novel Coronavirus
When the current outbreak of novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, first came to light in December 2019, researchers indicated that animals were the likely source of the virus. So people are naturally asking, "Can my pet contract and transmit this virus?" That question has become even more valid after one dog - the pet of an infected owner in Hong Kong - recently tested "weak positive" for the virus.
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What is Parvovirus (Parvo)?
New pet adopters and experienced dog owners alike may wonder, "What is the parvovirus (parvo)? How does my dog get parvo? Can parvo spread to humans and other animals?"
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After Adoption: Why Your Shelter Pet Still Needs to See a Veterinarian
Congratulations on the adoption of your new pet! We are thrilled that you decided to adopt a pet from the shelter and save a life!
When a dog or cat is adopted from the shelter, he/she is most likely current on vaccines, has been spayed or neutered and has been microchipped. The shelters work hard to make adopting a pet as easy as possible. However, it is still very important to follow up with your veterinarian soon after adoption.
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