This collection of Cat Integrative Medicine articles has been curated for you by Animal Wellness Clinic of Tamarac. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at (954) 722-2100.
An Integrative Approach to Cardiopulmonary Disease
In Eastern medicine, the heart is the organ that controls mental vitality; it is the seat of consciousness. It also governs the blood. Increasing anxiety is often observed with heart disease. In fact, the changes in consciousness can actually be severe enough to cause seizures.
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How Can the Weather Affect Your Pet?
Outdoor temperature plays a role in health from both an Eastern and Western perspective. A healthy body—whether human or animal—should be able to adapt easily to changes in weather, until it starts getting into extremes. However, if the body is already out of balance, your dog or cat may experience more inflammation as the temperature rises.
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An Integrative Approach to Skin Disease
With the weather warming and allergy season getting underway, there is no better time to talk about skin disease. Allergies in pets can be just as frustrating and difficult to deal with as allergies in people: what works for one individual may not work for another. All systems of medicine struggle with the treatment of allergies.
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